Faculty of Engineering Rabigh


Faculty of Engineering Rabigh



About the College

The Faculty of Engineering at Rabigh was established on 3/7/1429 AH 29/7/2008 by royal decree No. 24/49/1429 of the then Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, President of the Council of Higher Education.

The objective of establishing this branch in Rabigh is to serve in developing the industrial community in the governorate of Rabigh and its vicinities. The faculty offers undergraduate programs in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering. The faculty is poised to play an important role in influencing the economic development of the region by providing education, training, and research opportunities in engineering and technology.

The faculty has decided to raise up the level of academic programs to the international standards through international accreditation. All offered academic programs (ME, EE, IE, CE, ChE) have been accredited by the Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. One of our main objective is continuing to maintain all requirements of ABET accreditation .


To be pioneers in the field of engineering science and its novel applications.


Prepare distinct and competent engineers as leaders in the field of engineering, scientific research, and technology transfer, and to be a role model in the development of local communities of our beloved country.


Words from the Dean

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his noble family and companions.

I am delighted to welcome you to the Faculty of Engineering at Rabigh, King Abdulaziz University. I congratulate our dear students on their affiliation with this esteemed institution and encourage them to exert their utmost effort in acquiring knowledge and maintaining good morals. I pray that Allah grants them success and guides their steps.

The Faculty of Engineering aims to achieve key objectives, including:

- Empowering students to succeed in their careers across various engineering fields and applications, assuming professional roles of increasing responsibility and impact.

- Encouraging students to engage in advanced studies, lifelong learning, and professional development to explore diverse career paths in future multidisciplinary engineering aspects.

- Motivating students to actively participate in professional societies and community service.

We are proud of the significant achievements of the faculty, including obtaining international academic accreditation for most programs, winning numerous local and international competitions, and actively participating in scientific research. We also take pride in having distinguished faculty members in research, teaching, and engineering, which enhances the faculty's standing among its peers.

However, we face challenges that require diligent work and perseverance. We strive to overcome these challenges by adopting the best educational and administrative practices, ensuring the quality of our academic program outcomes, and aiming to elevate our students' personal and engineering skills, enabling them to compete and lead in their fields.

Under the slogan "Education that Drives Economic Growth," we reaffirm our commitment to Vision 2030, which seeks to enhance the quality of university education outputs in terms of knowledge, skills, and values. We will continue working towards achieving this vision by improving the quality of education and continuously developing our academic programs.

In conclusion, I address my colleagues among the faculty and administrative staff, urging them to continue their diligent work and give their best to serve our students and achieve the goals of the faculty and the nation.

Dr. Alaa Attar